The Institute for the Professional Development of Adult Educators (IPDAE) is supported by Florida Department of Education (FDOE).
Our Mission
To provide Adult Education practitioners with the tools necessary to help individuals achieve their academic and career goals while supporting community and economic growth.
IPDAE provides a web-based site which allows adult educators access to various resources. These resources include, but are not limited to, electronic documents, toolkits, lessons, videos, workshops, webinars, virtual trainings, online training modules, newsletters and consistent communication outreach via an email contact database. IPDAE provides the convergence of subject matter experts, interactivity engagements, planning/coordination and a technology platform to disseminate information required for the implementation of adult education programs. IPDAE also provides a means of measuring and assessing involvement and effectiveness of adult education programs through data reports, evaluations and surveys.
The Institute for the Professional Development of Adult Educators is a project supported by Indian River State College and the Florida Department of Education to offer information, resources and professional development for adult education programs. Funds for this project were appropriated through the federal WIOA Act of 2014, and administered by the Florida Department of Education, Division of Career and Adult Education.
IPDAE prohibits any policy or procedure which results in discrimination on the basis of age, color, disability, gender identity, gender expression, national origin, marital status, race, religion, sex or sexual orientation or genetic information. IPDAE is an equal opportunity employer.