Tips & Steps to Go Virtual

Blended Learning is a mixture of learning methods that incorporate multiple teaching models and often incorporates both online and face to face learning. Blended learning is a flexible approach that makes education more accessible for students so they can learn at their own pace and help teachers personalize learning for students.


Build Strong Teacher-Student Relationships

When teachers establish individual connections, students become engaged in their learning. Building relationships of trust and feedback is key to students having agency of their learning.

  • Create a virtual introduction video to build strong relationships and rapport
  • Assess and monitor relationships with students


Understand Essential Blended Learning Models

When teachers have clear learning objectives, they can choose blended learning models that meet student instructional needs.

  • Face-to-face
  • Station rotations
  • Online-only instruction
  • Blend of face to face/online instruction


Balance Individual, Paired, and Group Time

Give students opportunities to process and reflect on what they’ve learned, time to share ideas, and time to discuss and debate with others. Switching between modes keeps learning engaging.

  • Individual –reading, digesting, thinking, wondering
  • Paired –coaching, feedback, applying
  • Group –discussing, creating, synergizing


Promote Norms of Engagement for a Blended Learning Environment

When teachers co-create consistent norms with students, they can implement routines that help students participate successfully in a blended-learning environment.

  • Co-create community norms with students
  • Monitor and adjust norms based on student Needs
  • Design and Implement Collaborative Student Projects

Transitioning to Learning Online Roadmap

The transitioning to distance learning roadmap explores various terms and instructional models for adult education students, all related to learning online; identifies the model or models that best fit your program, your teachers, and your students; provides learning to seamlessly transition to online teaching utilizing effective technology and remote teaching pedagogy; and allows exploring multiple resources meanwhile creating engaging learning experiences specifically designed for distance learning.

Administrative Best Practices for Monitoring Virtual Courses

Administrative Monitoring Tool for Virtual Classroom (PDF)
Feedback Tool for Virtual Monitoring Visits (PDF)
Virtual Course Checklist (PDF)

FLDOE Best Practices for Distance Learning

The Florida Department of Education offers information on best practices for distance learning.