Listen to this interview with Dr. Tom Bullock, a national and international leader in education. Dr. Bullock spent over two decades at Georgetown University building a successful community-based program which helped improve outcomes for underrepresented youth. Beyond that work, he has coordinated professional development and workforce education in Washington D.C. and has served as a mathematics professor for more than 10 years. Dr. Bullock has a passion for helping educators make a difference in the lives of those who need it most.
Interviewed by: G. Martinez Cabrera
Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0
Listen to this interview with Chuck Diemert, a program administrator in adult education in New York. Chuck came into adult education from the world of finance, studied as an engineer, which provides him with a fresh perspective about the work of adult education. In this interview, he reminds us all that our work is hard but worth it.
Interviewed by: G. Martinez Cabrera
Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0
Listen to this interview with Tamara Thompson, an international leader in adult education professional development. She is currently the CEO of Mockingbird Education, a firm that has provided innovative, brain-science-based approaches to learning interventions for educators and learners throughout the world. Tamara provokes instructors to understand "the why" of what they do. In this interview, she challenges instructors to use the "resource in the room," namely, the instructor and the learner.
Interviewed by: G. Martinez Cabrera
Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0
Listen to this interview with Stephanie Rooks, Dean for Adult Education at Gwinnett Technical College in the Atlanta metro. Stephanie started as an ESL level 1 teacher, but was rapidly promoted.During her leadership tenure she has turned around the performance of the program, taking it from one of the lowest performing programs in the state of Georgia to nearly the best. Her current NRS enrollment is 4,200 students with a Table 4 completion average of 56% across all EFLs. For Staphanie, career pathways and WIOA provides adult education a much needed opportunity to update their services to provide what students really want and need.
Interviewed by: G. Martinez Cabrera
Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0
Listen to this interview with Alison Ascher Webber, Director of Strategic Initiatives for World Education. Alison has experience leading mobile learning initiatives as Education Director at Cell-Ed and now helping coordinate the MOBILE FIRST workforce innovation project for the California Federation of Labor. As first Executive Director of the Leadership Training and Education Fund, Alison led a labor-management training program for janitors and other immigrant service workers in California. She has also served as Associate Director at Avasant Foundation focused on leveraging opportunities in the new digital economy for youth employment and empowerment globally.
Interviewed by: G. Martinez Cabrera
Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0